Tips for readjusting

The days immediately following a death can be a particularly difficult time with a number of practical matters to be dealt with alongside grief and mourning. Grieving the loss of a loved one is one of the most emotional experiences we will have in our lifetime. Grief often continues long after the death that causes it. Here are some top tips for adjusting to change and looking after yourself:

  • Talk about your loved one. Reminisce about them and the life you shared. It can be hard to talk about a loved one who has died because of fear that it might be awkward, but it might help you adjust.
  • •Eat properly. Carers have said that it can be hard to cook for one. Try batch cooking or ordering premade meals. It is important to make sure you are eating consistently, even if it’s something small.
  • Get enough rest. If you are struggling to sleep, mindfulness can help focus your mind or speak to your GP.
  •  Give yourself space and time to grieve. Many carers refer to dementia as the long goodbye. It is important to take your time.
  • Take things slowly, one step at a time. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and support if you need it. Tell people what you need and how you feel. It can be hard for others to support you through your grief, therefore it is important that you tell people how you feel and what your needs are. Most people are trying to help, and some guidance can be helpful for both parties.
  • Keep busy. Try to do things with other people. You could take up past hobbies again, consider starting new ones or learn a new skill.
Family dynamics when grieving

Family grief is as unique as an individuals and no two families will change in the same way after a loss. Some families will change in a way that everyone had predicted and other times the changes that happen are completely unexpected. It is important to remember every family member will experience grief in their own way. You may have different needs in your grief than others in your household or family circle. You might feel your grief is more significant than others. It is important to remember:

  • Everyone is grieving
  • Everyone grieves differently
  • Things will continue changing