October is drawing to a close this weekend and the clocks are changing 29 October at 2am, We know this can be particularly disorienting for some people with dementia. Below are some helpful tips on how to support someone who may be experiencing distress as a result: 

  • Try and stay up for an hour later, as this can help our circadian rhythm (our bodies 'sleep clock') to adjust a bit better.
  • Changing the clocks in the early evening can also help, especially if you are someone who follows the clock.
  • Getting into the habit of closing the curtains or blinds before it gets dark can help, as does recording the news and playing it an hour later.
  • Getting out in the fresh air during daylight hours can really help encourage our bodies natural sleep hormones. Even just 5 mins a day can make a big difference.

With the shorter, darker days of winter approaching it can be helpful to have supporting strategies on hand should we need them. If you, or someone in your life, requires information or emotional support, our 24 hour freephone Dementia Helpline is here for you on 0808 808 3000.