Let's talk about: Innovation

Virtual Resource Centre

For 40 years, Alzheimer Scotland has been making sure nobody faces dementia alone – sometimes that can be quite challenging, and the last year has shown us the importance of widening the reach for our activities and support services.  We want to be there for you wherever you are, whenever you need us – and that’s why we have started building the UK’s first Virtual Resource Centre (VRC).  A digital building is much like a brick building - it takes time to build, and not all rooms are available at once. Here’s the beauty of technology – we can invite you in for a sneak peek and no hard hats are required!  

Doggie Bingo

Eyes down for Doggy Bingo

During lockdown, the Dementia Dog team have been busy developing fun online support services including 'Doggy Bingo'! These virtual sessions offer group and one-to-one opportunities to stay connected, help reduce social isolation and engage with dogs for people who are living with dementia in the community. Our canine callers include Billy, a four-year-old black lab x retriever and Georgie, a four-year-old golden retriever. Good boys!