Alzheimer Scotland are pleased to share the findings of a recent report, looking into the impact of coronavirus on people with dementia, their families and carers who are living at home.

'COVID-19: the hidden impact' sets out the evidence we have gathered from the tens of thousands of people with dementia and their carers we have supported throughout this crisis, about the impact of the pandemic, and the unintended harms to their health and wellbeing caused by the measures intended to keep them safe from the virus.

The report also sets out the urgent requirement to address these harms by responding to the increased levels of need through the safe remobilisation of our community supports.

The report concludes by making recommendations to Scottish Government, Health and Social Care Partnerships and other key stakeholders about how Scotland can ensure that the increased needs of people with dementia and carers are prioritised, to mitigate against the harms of this pandemic in the coming months.

This report was presented to both Scottish Government and COSLA and it was an important contribution in how we move forward. We will now work together to progress with the report's recommendations and, as a starting point, COSLA have agreed to work with Alzheimer Scotland to understand the barriers in accessing post diagnostic support. 

If you have any comments or questions on this matter, we'd love to hear from you. Please email [email protected].